Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Philadelphia or Bust!

    It's my last night in Seattle, and I guess it's become a tradition to have my close friends over for dinner before I leave, but each time that we say good night or see you later... it makes me sad to leave. I then begin to think whether I really want to leave, and all the excitement I had built up is quickly converted to doubt and fear. I think the quote "moving on is simple, it's what you leave behind that makes it difficult" explains what I feel the best. I'm not scared of the future, the unknown or what lies ahead for me. I've done it before... gone to a different city, without knowing anyone (i.e. Granada, Spain 2006). That part actually is what excites me ... thus I don't mind the moving on part. What holds me back mentally is all the people I'm going to leave behind and the life I'm leaving behind.
    I firmly believe that having a few true friends is better than having tons of mediocre friends, and the few friends that I do have... (the ones that always seem to come over the night before I leave) are some of the most amazing people I know. They have always been there for me, and listened to my crazy stories, ideas, and lame jokes. They understand me... without me having to say anything. They actually put up with me... which I think sometimes can be difficult. Without them I don't know where I wold be. No matter where I am in the world... i know they will always be there for me. Life often is so busy that we don't see each other as much as we would like, however the separation doesn't take away from the fun we have when we are all together. I missed them terribly while I was in Spain and I know I will miss them in Philly. However, we all understand that this is a path that we all must eventually come to and there is no way around it.
     Besides the friends, I will obviously miss my family. Although they drive me crazy sometimes... it's hard not to laugh when I'm around them. If there was ever a family fit for a reality show... it would be mine. I have the father who speaks VERY, VERY loud and who I think is incredibly funny. I have a mom who is obsessed with Asian dramas, and a brother who I often butt heads with, and a younger sister who is my best friend and by far the craziest sports fan in the world. There are no words to describe what it means to be home, amongst your family and to know that no matter what you do they will always be there for you. I'm not going to lie and say I'm not excited to have my own apartment and experience freedom again... trust me I am. The summer living with my parents hasn't been horrible... but near the end it was beginning to drive me crazy; however, I know when the holidays like Thanksgiving come around I'm going to miss the craziness that is the Nguyen household.
    Tomorrow, as I get on the plane, I'm not really saying good-bye to Seattle, because I know I'll be back. It's just uncertain if I'll ever be back permanently. This move to Philly and the east coast maybe 2 years or even longer hence that is what makes it more difficult to have to leave those that I love.  In a way it is the end of the "young-irresponsible" chapter of my life. Because I'm going to be paying for every single credit I take at Drexel I have to be more "mature". I have to actually put on real clothes... my sweats and PJs won't count. I even attempted to get a "professional" hair cut... but we all know after 3 days, it's going into a ponytail. Not only am I going to be studying like crazy in Philly, but I'm going to take the time to discover myself, and test my limits. Now is the perfect opportunity to force myself to step out of my comfort zone because I will have no safety net and that is very exciting. I'm not leaving the true me behind, but this chance to move away from home and study will be for me what moving away to go to college is for high school graduates.
   Right now it may be difficult for me to leave Seattle, but I know that once I'm in the atmosphere of studying, and I'm busy... I will be fine. Because this is what I want to do, and I've worked hard to get to this place. It's just a matter of waiting for that moment to get here. In the end, all my loved ones in Seattle know that this isn't good bye it's a "see you later". I look forward to seeing each and everyone in the city of Brotherly love.

Ngoc :)

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