Tuesday, September 15, 2009

How to pack your life neatly into suitcases 101

Can we please clap it up for me... because I have finally managed to get my packing done... and I still have about 28 hours before departure. Packing this time took much more effort than expected. Although I did some pre-packing/cleaning, I don't know if that helped a great deal, because I felt that I had to take everything back out and repack them... but I'm just going to say that it helped to decrease the time just to make myself feel better.
   The total time it took me to pack my life into 3 suitcases and one backpack was about 7 hours... but that doesn't say much about the sweat, the pain in my fingers and possiblity of future back pain. Once again.. I ask myself, why couldn't I be super rich or have a super rich boyfriend so that I didn't have to worry about packing??? I guess you can't have everything.
   Although I've traveled many times before, and I should be a pro at packing... it's sad to say... I'm not. However, after the 10 hundredth time... I think I've managed to learn some things...
   1. DON'T go into it without a plan
   2. DON'T think that you're going to be able to pack 32 pairs of shoes
   3. DON'T try to shove everything you own into the suitcases
   4. DON'T put all the heavy stuff into one bag (that is a back accident waiting to happen)
   5. Space savers are your best friend (combined with a vaccum you can almost fit your whole life in a suitcase)
   6. Sitting on the suitcase while trying to zip it shut IS very efficient, but it's even better when you have your brother who weighs 200 lbs sit on it and then you zip it --> team work
   7. Cursing at the bag for being too small WILL NOT get the things to magically fit (trust me... I tried every single word possible... it just wasn't happening)
   8. Packing should be considered a cardiovascular exercise... because I don't think I've worked out as hard in my life.
    I've included some pictures of my process of packing... starting with all the clothes that I decided to take. Next I had to narrow down the shoes and put all the clothes into their space saver bags. For those who aren't familiar with the bags... they are a genius invention. You put your stuff in side, and you can roll out the air... or you can take a vaccum and then vaccum suck the air out... it's AMAZING. It's like magic before your eyes. They were my trick into fitting all the stuff into my 3 suitcases. They also help for you to stay organized and know where your stuff are with them being transparent and all. Whoever invented them... GENIUS!!!!!
    Now that I've finished packing... and I'm sitting in my room. that's super clean and missing a few things, it seems surreal that I'll be leaving in a little over a day. I guess once you have everything packed it means it's really happening. From packing... I've realized that I don't really own anything besides a whole bunch of shoes and clothes... oh yeah and this computer that I'm typing on... but I guess that's a good thing, because there is no way I could fit anything else into my bags, they look like they will explode any moment. I'm just praying that they survive the trip to Philly.
   In the end, I'm super happy that the hard task of packing is over with. I'm excited to spend one last day with my friends and family before I go out and start my new adventure. I hope that everyone is safe, happy and sore-fingers free... because I think I have enough soreness for everyone. Good night!

 Ngoc :)

P.S. For all those other people who are packing... will be packing... good luck and you can do it!!!

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