Thursday, September 10, 2009

7 days....

Let the countdown really begin!!!! Today marks the official one week mark, and next Wednesday I'll be in Philadelphia. To be completely honest, I haven't done any packing or cleaning or anything, but I've decided that I'm just going to stay true to myself for one more week.... I'm going to stick to what I do best... procrastinate. So I'm just gonna wait until Sunday to do all my laundry, and Monday and Tuesday to pack up my suitcases... no matter how I do it, I'm sure it'll get done, because that's how it works for me.
 However, I know that once I get to Philly, I'm going to try and not be such a procrastinator anymore... but I'm not sure how that's going to work but it'll be worth a try. This last week has been full of just spending time with friends and family and doing things that I might not be able to do in Philly... such as read for leisure. I'm currently working on finishing another book in Spanish and I have to say I enjoy reading in Spanish and I'm hoping it helps me with my vocabulary... but without anyone to really practice speaking with, it's kinda difficult.... so if anyone who happens to be reading this speaks Spanish and wants to help me out... you know where to find me... in Philadelphia!
Other than the usual laziness I've been exhibiting, I've been doing a lot of walking around the city and playing tennis. I'm not great, but I have to say that I really enjoy the sport... however, for those that know me, let's just say my temper and language need some work to fit in with the game... but you know I'm trying and it's fun. At least my right forearm is getting a workout and I haven't broken any rackets... yet.
          With only a week left in Seattle, I'm trying to spend as much time with my family and friends as possible.  However, with everyone busy working, the scheduling does get difficult, however, I'm going to try and make it work. Within the next week... I have to finish packing, narrow my choices of apartments to look at down, work on improving my sleeping pattern and finish my books.... oh so many things to do.... so little time.
            But yeah, nothing too exciting... however I'm really excited that it's almost here, but I know that I will be sad to leave... like I always am. Until next time! I hope everyone is well!

Ngoc :)

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