Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Little Things You Often Overlook

Hey guys,  
(*) It's a lazy Sunday, and I'm actually sitting here in my bed, typing this. Outside the rain is falling and I have to say, that's one of the sounds I enjoy the most. It's soothing, pleasant, and always reminds
me of Seattle. Many people don't like rain, but being a true Seattlite I love it. I could walk around in it, I love the smell of it, and definitely the sound makes me feel at home. As my time is winding down in Seattle, I've started to think about the little things in this city that I'm going to miss. Having only been back this summer, I haven't had that much time to get back into the groove of Seattle. However, I've noticed tons of things that I might have overlooked when I lived here and they make me feel at home.
   Last night I was driving late on I-5 and I saw the downtown lights. I have to say that Seattle's downtown when it is lit up at night is breathtaking. Especially the view from Gasworks Park. Sitting on top of that hill and looking over the water to see the lights is probably one of the most beautiful scences I can imagine. That spot is definitely my favorite in all of Seattle. It had been a while since I was at Gasworks Park, but seeing it again brought back tons of memories of Fourth of July, or just walking up the hill with friends. (**)
    The lights on Qwest field are also lit up at night, and you can see the blue against the white as you're driving on the freeway. Although I've only been to Qwest field one time to watch an actual game, I've seen my fair share of Seahawks games. Football and sports in general bring Bi (my youngest sister) and I together. I can't even describe all the times we spent together watching games, yelling, cheering and at times crying for our team. But seeing the field reminds me of all the good times with her and how in Philly I'll be watching the games without her and it won't be the same.
 Since my return to Seattle, I've been walking a lot, and my favorite place is Greenlake. I usually walk down to it and then around it. When I lived here, I probably went to Greenlake once a year, but now I go atleast 3 times a week. I never noticed how beautiful and serene it is. The other day, I actually sat down by the water and chatted with my friend Ben, whom I hadn't seen in 2 years. In all my years in Seattle, I had never sat down by the water at Greenlake to read, talk or do anything.  But sitting by the water and seeing the ducks and everything else around the lake was awesome, and for the first time in a while I felt home.
     Finally, last night was the first UW football game of the season. I missed last year's season because I was in Spain and so it was good to be back on. Although I'll be a Dragon now, I'll always bleed purple and gold. I'll be a husky for life and will always cheer on my team. Watching the game on TV just made me want to go back to Husky Stadium with all the people in purple. I wanted to put on my purple wig and put on everything else purple I owned and get in the Dawg Pack. Seeing the game and cheering with my fellow huskies at home, made me see that I have missed the UW greatly the past year. I miss wearing purple, I miss walking the huge campus, I miss everything about being a Husky... But either way, it's time to move on, one day I'll be back hopefully but no matter where I end up or where I go.... I will bring my purple with me.
    Obviously there are more things about Seattle that make it great, if I've missed any, let me know. So, lets just take a moment to enjoy those tiny things that make us feel at home, because you really don't know what you have until it's gone. I hope everyone has a great Labor Day Weekend.... and one more time for old times... GO DAWGS!!!!

Ngoc :)


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