Saturday, September 12, 2009

Go....... HUSKIES...... Go....... HUSKIES!!!

First things first.... YAY DAWGS!!!!!!!!! Another day gone... and I'm closing in on my last few days in Seattle. Today I went to one of my favorite places in Seattle... Husky Stadium!!!!! I went with my sister and brother, along with a few friends... and it was GREAT. It had been about a year since I was inside husky stadium and let me tell you it was great to be back... the atmosphere, the people... the purple! It brought back memories of games years ago. There may have been less people in the stands, but I think the excitement and madness was still there. The stadium is incredibly beautiful, and I have to agree that it is an awesome place to watch football, plus the sun being out didn't hurt either, except for when it started to get too hot underneath the purple hair... but that was a minor price to pay to show my Husky pride.
    Everyone that knows me knows that I'm a sports fanatic... I'm one of those crazy people that yells, jumps up and down and probably says a little too much... but that's why I love going to games. What makes it even better is that at the games  there are tons of people like me...some even worse (if that's possible) so I don't feel tooo crazy. I think people get a little scared when they see me at games... because they don't expect sooo many bad words or loud shouts to come out of little old me... but let me tell you, when I go to see a game, whether it be football, basketball, or soccer... it's all or nothing for me... that's what makes the games fun. (That's probably why I fit in so well at the Huelva soccer games... because all the men there were out of control crazy and I loved it!)
Before I never really liked football, my sport of choice was basketball... however an ex-boyfriend of mine was really into it... and his obsession rubbed off on me. I don't know if that's a good thing or not... but it is what it is.  Because of him football became my new  favorite sport to watch... the excitement, the sound of bodies colliding is soooooo awesome. But most of all football brings my sister and I together. She knows more about football than most people I know... and she might be a bigger Husky fan than me... although she has yet to attend the school. HAHAHA
     All in all, the day was great... I put on my purple attire, the shoes, the hair, the earrings, the beads, and even painted the nails... just to watch my Huskies smash the Idaho Vandals. Although it wasn't a close game, it was nice to have a win. The team hadn't won a game since Nov 2007... I happened to be at that game too. So it was icing on the cake that my first game in over a year happened to be the first win in a long time for the Huskies.
   On a sore note... I showed my school spirit, and now I'm paying with a sore throat. I guess it's been such a long time since I cheered that hard and my vocal cords were not well prepared. It doesn't matter if I can't talk for the next few days... because it was all worth it to be back in the stadium and coming out with a win. As the game came to an end... it meant that it was time for me to put away the purple things because who knows when I'll be back to husky stadium... but to get the win made saying "until next time" to all my Husky gear less difficult. However... I will bring a few purple T-shirts along with my purple jacket to Philadelphia because I can't leave all the purple behind. :)
   In the end, I hope everyone is enjoying a great weekend and BOW DOWN to WASHINGTON!!!!

Ngoc :)

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