Friday, December 4, 2009

And We're Back

      I'm finally back into updating.... it's been crazy with getting accustomed to school and life here in Philly. But i can safely say that I'm going to be better at updating. The quarter is now coming to an end, as finals week is actually NEXT WEEK!!!! I can't quite believe how fast time has gone by, however I guess that must mean I'm keeping very busy. I have enjoyed all my classes and I'm glad that I'm here, and I think I made the correct decision in coming here.
      In the 2 or so months I've been here, I've been able to make a few new friends and grow up a lot more. I've gotten to know people that I normally wouldn't associate with, and have found friends to be the greatest support here, since I'm so far away from my family. I guess I'll do a quick recap of all the things that have happened to me since the last time I wrote... although nothing really exciting happened... besides the studying and stuff.... it's always nice to go back and look on what has happened.

     I shadowed Dr. Handly in the ER for the first time and it was a wonderful experience, I was very excited to be there, and got to see tons of things. I'm looking forward to working with him on possibly more projects or something like that in the future. But after that experience i realized that I am definitely in the right line of work.. there is nothing else in the world I would rather do.

    I got a job and then I quit it. After working for two months I realized that it just wasn't working out for me. I wanted more time to be able to get to know my classmates and to enjoy being a graduate students. i was missing out on a lot of different events such as lectures and get togethers because I was working. Also the environment wasn't something that I enjoyed, so in the end, I realized that if I'm spending so much for graduate school I should be spending most of my energy and time getting the most out of schooling... right?

   I went to my first Eagles football game. It was really fun... they won. The stadium was packed. Philly fans are known for their rowdiness, and i have to say it wasn't tooo bad. I guess I have seen worse, but it was still nice to be at the stadium and watching the game. Although they aren't officially my team, I have to root for them.... but when they play the Seahawks... we know who I'll be rooting for.
   Besides those things, nothing much has been going on in my life... besides studying and more studying. Speaking of studying, I'm going to start studying for my finals that are coming this week. I hope everyone is well, and had a good Thanksgiving, I miss you guys terribly, and hope to see you soon!

 Mil besos,

  Ngoc :)

1 comment:

  1. Nice picture of you both. You should blog more... and blog about him too. I think that would be very interesting and I am sure I am not the only one who would love to know more about him and what is going on in your life since you have not blogged in over a year.

    ~Mas besos
