Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Life of a Student

Hola everyone!

  I guess it's going to be a lot harder to update than I thought. I'm definitely going to try and update atleast once a week... although I feel I might be the only person to really care and read this blog... jajaja. Either way, my second week has come and gone. I have to say having classes 3 days a week makes it soo much easier. However, I must find something else to do to take up my time... so if anyone has a job they are willing to offer me... please give me a call.
    This week I successfully completed my first writing assignment.. it was torture... who knew being out of school for a year was going to make it that difficult to get back in the swing of things. However, I'm glad it's over... now only if I can stay on top of these readings... but there are sooooooo many. Outside of school, I've managed to hangout with my new friends, do a "little" shopping, and play some sports. I've been sticking to my workout plan, which is easy considering my gym is located inside my bldg, all i have to do is go downstairs...jajaja if I can't do that... then I really am lazy. I had my first game with my volleyball team... it was really fun, we won. i do have to say, that it's been a long time since I've played, I miss how much fun it is. Volleyball has always been a fun sport for me, it never brought as much stress for me as basketball... I don't know why. I also continued to play a little tennis... I think I'm getting better, but considering that I didn't even know how to play a few months ago... the fact that I can hit the ball over and in the court should mean something... although I do miss padel... they need to import that from Spain
    It's really difficult to remember everything that's happened... so I'm really sorry if this isn't an interesting post. I will do my best to continue the updates... but it looks like as I get deeper into the school year... it's going to be a great challenge. So if you want to know how I'm doing... give me a call, send me an e-mail, message through facebook, tuenti, or owl... whatever you want. I also love hand written letters:
   I will upload a few photos... I have to say i haven't been as photo happy as normal... i don't know why. I need to get on it. As always, I miss everyone, and hope everyone is doing well, and that we'll talk/see/chat with each other soon. Thousands of hugs and kisses from this new city that is slowly growing on me...

   Buenas noches!
  Ngoc :)

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