Friday, August 28, 2009

Where There's a Will There's a Way

Muy Buenas everyone!
   Tonight I went to Lana's birthday dinner, and it was the first time I had been 'out' in a while... as many people know going out late isn't really my thing. I'm an old grandma and I would much rather stay in watching my movies, a game or reading. If that's boring to you... I guess I'm boring??? Anyways, tonight we went out to celebrate Lana's 23rd birthday. Wow! I can't believe it, she's the last of us to turn 23 and now that we're all finally 23... I feel old. I hardly ever see Tanaia or Lana. We've known each other since high school when we played basketball together, but with college it became harder to see each other. How quickly time flies because I've known these girls for almost 10 years... that's crazy. But no matter what when we get together... we still act like we're in high school.
   But with each birthday that we celebrate together... we must face the fact that we're growing up, with more responsiblities and we get to see less of each other, as each person is doing what is necessary to follow their dreams. Tanaia is moving back to sunny California, Lana is staying here in Seattle, and of course I'll be traveling the furthest to Philadelphia. It is difficult to maintain any type of relationship whether it be romantic or platonic with so much distance between the people. I guess we do have technology to make it a little easier. However,  no matter how good technology gets... it's not the same as having that person next to you to talk, laugh or just hang out.
   Having been away for the last year or so, I've started to realize how difficult it is to remain a part of the lives of the people I've left behind. My life has moved on, I've grown up, but those that I love have also grown, and they've done it without me. I missed my baby sister's 16th birthday, I missed her getting her driver's license, I wasn't there to watch her gymnastics matches and tons of other moments in other loved ones lives. It didn't quite dawn on me until now as I sit here and think about all that has happened.
   While in Spain, I only thought about how my life was changing, but now that I've been back in Seattle for a couple months, I've seen how life here has also changed. I don't feel apart of this city, I still feel as if I'm living out of my suitcase, and soon I will pack it up and move onto my next destination. Spain was a great experience and I would never change it, however, i wished there was a way to be far away from your friends and family but still be a physical part of their lives. If there was a way to be close to your loved ones and still take the steps to achieve your dreams. But I guess... this is one of the steps in becoming an adult and it's one of the sacrifices I have to make.
   All my rambling was set off by the dinner out with Lana and Tanaia. I remember how we use to go to Red Robin for our birthdays... those were the good 'ol days. But in the end, no matter the distance and the time apart, if people want to remain friends then they will find a way, because like the saying goes "where there's a will there's a way". So I'm going to hold onto that thought as I prepare to move to Philly and leave behind many of the most important people in my life. Does distance really make the heart grow fonder?

Ngoc :)

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