Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A New Stage in My Life

Hello all, 
How different is American life to Spanish life? I've returned home safely and have been in Seattle relaxing, hanging with family and friends, trying my hardest not to miss Spain. It has been a long and easy summer, with not much excitement, however in 3 weeks my life will change as I embark on a new adventure.... graduate student. There are tons of things left to do such as pack, find a job and a place to live, but in due time they will come. This course is a detour in all my envisioned plans however, with each day I get more excited for a new city and a new life. Also I look forward to returning to school and being in the atmosphere where I feel most comfortable. 
   I am excited and anxious and can't wait for these next 3 weeks to fly by, which I'm sure they will.  This blog is a continuation of my last one "La Rubia y La Morena" except there is no Rubia.... she is leaving me to go to Valencia, Spain (I envy her) and of course my new city will not be any Spanish city. So I'll be solita, but I'm sure I'll have my fair share of adventure and drama. 
   Pues.... here's to this new stage in my life... which was unexpected, but yet still much needed. 

Un beso, 
Ngoc :) 

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