Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Red Rose

Hi Everyone!
    Today, I'd like to share something that has nothing to do with my move to Philadelphia. In fact it has to do with something that I often don't talk about, my religion. As many people know I was born in Vietnam and I'm Buddhist. I would consider myself a practicing Buddhist although I don't go to temple every week like I did when I was younger. However, luckily that's not something that determines whether you are a good Buddhist or not.
    We don't have too many big holidays in this religion, the ones I can think about are New Years (which seems more cultural), Buddha's birthday and Mother's Day (Vu Lan). Today happened to be my favorite of the three holidays, Mother's Day. I didn't really appreciate the meaning of this day until a few years ago. On this day, everyone that arrives at the temple is given a rose, a red or white one. You wear a red rose to symbolize that your mother is still alive, and you wear a white one to represent that she has passed away. Many people don't stop to think what this simple tradition means, it is a profound statement.
  A few years ago I attended the funeral for the mother of a friend, a week later the holiday arrived and it was the first time he had to wear the white rose. When it was pinned to him he broke down in tears and I realized how special it is to be able to wear a red rose. When I was younger I didn't think that the white rose ever meant anything, but now I see that the day I have to pin a white rose to my shirt will be the day I have lost everything.  
    This holiday celebrates both parents but is targeted towards celebrating mothers, so I'd like to take a moment to talk about the most important person in my life, my mother.  Like me, she's not very big in size however if I can be half the woman she is I would be happy. She is intelligent, strong and self-less. There is nothing she wouldn't do for her children and I doubt I will ever meet another woman like her. I could go on and on about how amazing of a woman she is.... she is the best cook in the world, she will go after anyone who tries to hurt me, she is always there to support me, in other words she is the ultimate super-woman.
    Obviously there are times that we don't get along, but in the end she has given up everything for me. I can get over her weird fashion choices or the way she falls asleep when she watches TV but then won't let me change the channel, or how she always tells me to drive slower when I already am going 10 miles under the speed limit. I can also get over the fact that she won't ever understand basketball or football even though she's watched those sports for the last 16 years. Through all the times I get frustrated with her traditional ways, I know that she is trying to do what is best for me and every moment of the day she is thinking and worrying about her children and their happiness. She does all of this without asking for anything in return and that's what makes her a great mother.  If one day I am lucky enough to have my own children, I hope that I can be the mother to them that she has been to me.
    This day is important not just for me, but is a great way to be reminded that we need to appreciate our parents more, because they may not be with us forever. Too often we get caught up in the whole they don't understand us, or they are trying to ruin our lives mentality and don't see that there are more important matters in the world.
   So, I'd like to end this post with a little dedication to all the mothers out there, although we might not show our love and gratitude enough, we owe everything to you.  Without you, we are nothing. Take the time out of your day to help your mothers to make their life a little less full of worries and to tell them that you love them. And finally to my mommy, you are amazing and I will never be able to pay you back for everything that you've done for me, but I will try. Happy Mother's Day everyone!

Ngoc :)

Friday, August 28, 2009

Where There's a Will There's a Way

Muy Buenas everyone!
   Tonight I went to Lana's birthday dinner, and it was the first time I had been 'out' in a while... as many people know going out late isn't really my thing. I'm an old grandma and I would much rather stay in watching my movies, a game or reading. If that's boring to you... I guess I'm boring??? Anyways, tonight we went out to celebrate Lana's 23rd birthday. Wow! I can't believe it, she's the last of us to turn 23 and now that we're all finally 23... I feel old. I hardly ever see Tanaia or Lana. We've known each other since high school when we played basketball together, but with college it became harder to see each other. How quickly time flies because I've known these girls for almost 10 years... that's crazy. But no matter what when we get together... we still act like we're in high school.
   But with each birthday that we celebrate together... we must face the fact that we're growing up, with more responsiblities and we get to see less of each other, as each person is doing what is necessary to follow their dreams. Tanaia is moving back to sunny California, Lana is staying here in Seattle, and of course I'll be traveling the furthest to Philadelphia. It is difficult to maintain any type of relationship whether it be romantic or platonic with so much distance between the people. I guess we do have technology to make it a little easier. However,  no matter how good technology gets... it's not the same as having that person next to you to talk, laugh or just hang out.
   Having been away for the last year or so, I've started to realize how difficult it is to remain a part of the lives of the people I've left behind. My life has moved on, I've grown up, but those that I love have also grown, and they've done it without me. I missed my baby sister's 16th birthday, I missed her getting her driver's license, I wasn't there to watch her gymnastics matches and tons of other moments in other loved ones lives. It didn't quite dawn on me until now as I sit here and think about all that has happened.
   While in Spain, I only thought about how my life was changing, but now that I've been back in Seattle for a couple months, I've seen how life here has also changed. I don't feel apart of this city, I still feel as if I'm living out of my suitcase, and soon I will pack it up and move onto my next destination. Spain was a great experience and I would never change it, however, i wished there was a way to be far away from your friends and family but still be a physical part of their lives. If there was a way to be close to your loved ones and still take the steps to achieve your dreams. But I guess... this is one of the steps in becoming an adult and it's one of the sacrifices I have to make.
   All my rambling was set off by the dinner out with Lana and Tanaia. I remember how we use to go to Red Robin for our birthdays... those were the good 'ol days. But in the end, no matter the distance and the time apart, if people want to remain friends then they will find a way, because like the saying goes "where there's a will there's a way". So I'm going to hold onto that thought as I prepare to move to Philly and leave behind many of the most important people in my life. Does distance really make the heart grow fonder?

Ngoc :)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A New Stage in My Life

Hello all, 
How different is American life to Spanish life? I've returned home safely and have been in Seattle relaxing, hanging with family and friends, trying my hardest not to miss Spain. It has been a long and easy summer, with not much excitement, however in 3 weeks my life will change as I embark on a new adventure.... graduate student. There are tons of things left to do such as pack, find a job and a place to live, but in due time they will come. This course is a detour in all my envisioned plans however, with each day I get more excited for a new city and a new life. Also I look forward to returning to school and being in the atmosphere where I feel most comfortable. 
   I am excited and anxious and can't wait for these next 3 weeks to fly by, which I'm sure they will.  This blog is a continuation of my last one "La Rubia y La Morena" except there is no Rubia.... she is leaving me to go to Valencia, Spain (I envy her) and of course my new city will not be any Spanish city. So I'll be solita, but I'm sure I'll have my fair share of adventure and drama. 
   Pues.... here's to this new stage in my life... which was unexpected, but yet still much needed. 

Un beso, 
Ngoc :)