Sunday, January 9, 2011

By popular demand???

Well... by request by an "anonymous" follower... I have decided to begin blogging again. It has indeed been over ONE Year since I've last blogged and my life has been busy, busy, busy. It's hard to recap what has happened in 2010, but let's just say that it was exciting, motivating, and at times exhausting. However, I'm still alive and VERY excited for what 2011 will bring for me.

I have been in Philly for over a year... and it is finally feeling like home to me. I've gotten use to going to work, going to school.... but there are moments where I miss home. However, in the time I've been here I've learned so much about myself... and what I'm capable of doing. I can't say that I've done all I have here, without help from new friends and family. When you move around so much like I have in the last few years... the friends you make become your new family. Although they can't take the place of your family at home, they fill the void when you need people around the most.

I recently, went home to Seattle to visit and it was bitter sweet because I was home, but at the same time I felt so foreign. Life for my closest friends in Seattle has been moving so fast, I can't quite fit myself back into their lives. I tried to visit the old places I spent my college years in and do the things I use to do... and I missed while I'm in Philly, but it didn't feel the same... The whole time in Seattle.. I thought about what it was like 3 years ago when Seattle was still my home... but now i don't know if I can call Seattle my home anymore. Maybe I'm a wander.. with no home... and building relationships that cannot last for too long, because I am just going to move...

But as an update about my life... to all those that care or are following... I'm finishing up my masters' this year... six more months... and I'll officially have the "MPH" behind my name. In the mean time I'm just working on finishing, and praying for a place in medical school.... My life is school and school and more school.... but hopefully I will get into med school and that will be the last schooling I ever do with my life.... (hopefully... jaja).

Life is good, I'm healthy, happy and hopeful for the future... I hope all my friends all over the world are happy and healthy as well. E-mails, letters or other messages are appreciated. Although we may not communicate as often as we should... true friendship is being able to pick up where you left off... when the chance presents itself. Lots of love!

Ngoc :)

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