Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Confessions of a Dreamer

Hi everyone,
   I guess it's been a lot more difficult to blog than expected, however it was because my life is not as interesting as it was two years ago when I was in a new city every weekend. Now my life is just full of school and work. However, it is what I'm passionate about and at the end of the day, when I'm stressed or  at the edge of burning out I remind myself that I chose this path for myself.
   In order to get myself back into a "semi" Spain state, I thought I'd start reading again just for fun... not because it was assigned for homework. I remember how I use to read all the time in the plaza, that has not happened in a long time since I've been back to the states. But as of yesterday I started reading a little before going to bed and it has been amazing. A friend of mine lent me three books, one of which is "Half the Sky". If there was ever any book to awaken my senses and reaffirm my role in this life time.. it is this.
   This books talks about the oppression that women are facing all over the world. Growing up I have always known I was female. There were things I just couldn't do, wear, say, etc.. but my brother could do as he pleased. I think a part of me has always been bitter by the fact that I was born female and had so little choice in that decision... growing up female and Asian at that... has been very trying at times. However, compared to my own personal struggles... millions of women and girls around the world are suffering fates beyond my imagination. There are girls being trafficked into sex work, not being allowed to go to school, denied medical care by their families, killed because of "honor"... the list goes on.
    Living in America or any other "modernized" country it is difficult to even understand or think about what such situations would mean. If you cannot think of how life in India or Cambodia is for a girl, think about the domestic violence and sex trafficking that is taking place in your own country. So often we take things for granted. If you're reading this.. you are very fortunate to have been provided an education. I have been very fortunate to gain so much with my education, but millions of girls and women around the world can't even read a simple message.
    I've managed to read the first three chapters of this book and it's hard to not cry.. and feel sad for the condition that our "human" society has become. However, as I've learned in the last 1.5 years here in Philadelphia, you cannot save the world all at once, it takes piece by piece... and I'm going to remind myself of this all the way to the end of this book.
    Many people know that my professional interests lie in maternal and child health. Not only because I obviously can identify with women and I love children, but I think the key to the future is maternal and hcild health. We cannot have healthy countries, people... whatever if their mother's are not healthy. Public health is not for the faint of heart and I might have come into this field a little unprepared. However, I still believe in the good of all people.. i just now know that some people need a little more convincing than others. There is always hope to change the world.. no matter how long it takes.
   So I thought i'd shared a few lines from the book that have inspired me thus far:
 - "In the 19th century, the central moral challenge was slavery. In the 20th century, it was the battle against this century the paramount moral challenge will be the struggle for gender equality around the world. "
- "People get away with enslaving village girls for the same reason that people got away with enslaving blacks two hundred years ago" the victims are perceived as discounted humans."

There were numerous other quotes that stood out, however I hope these get your minds thinking. Some people can call me a feminist if they like.. all I know that it is unethical to pretend that these things are not happening in the world. Yes, we all can't fly over and save all these women, HOWEVER, we can all learn a little bit more about the situation, raise our awareness that these things are happening. We can all apply pressure to our government to apply pressure to international governments to respect human rights laws. Whatever you do... just take a moment out of your day to think about how others are living in the next state, country, continent.

Life is too short to just think about yourself... how interesting and fun is that??? Especially when you live a life as fascinating as mine... :) . I'm sorry if this seemed a little out of character, and doesn't really talk much about what is going on in my life... but I guess this is what is going on in my life. I have really started to see where my professional goals will take me in the next few years.

I hope all those reading (the 3 of you)... are happy, healthy, and safe. As always, hope to speak/see you guys soon.

Con mucho carino,
Ngoc :)